Saturday, June 2, 2007
The Legislators Are Hearing The Voices of the Crowd: NO MORE TAX INCREASES, The RTA Tax Gets Defeated In Convicing Fashion
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Alderman McGee Case Proves Why We Need to Hold Public Officials Accountable
More than Ever We Need Consumerisim in Health Care NOW!
1. HSA's Must Be Tax Deductible-HSA programs like what they have in Manitowoc County rocks. Bob Ziegelbauer is winning praise in both political parties for finding innovative solutions that work for all people like free market health care. Ziegelbauer has just about set the model for the entire world on how consumerisim in health care should work. Bob Ziegelbauer's model should be looked at by the school districts too. This is perhaps the only way to solve our health care crisis.
2. Price Transparancey is Impartive-You deserve to go to the health care provider you want to go, but you should be given full disclosure of health care prices, say for example you should be given the price on how much if you need braces for your teeth before you go to the right orthodontist. I had braces recently, but my family and I made the decision on the right ortho based on who is good for one, and two transparancey on prices. If the ortho is good, but charges $1000 less than ortho X and Y then in a free market you should go to that ortho.
3. Associated Health Care Pools Make Sense-Small Buisnesses should have the right to buy in a bigger pool to provide better health care for all. This can and will help small buisnesses provide health care, while those who cannot afford it can go on subsidized health care.
4. Target Medicaid, and if possible outsource it-Medicaid is a poorly managed government program and with the increasing fraud that happens in medicaid it is impartive to end all the abuse, and stop charging hospital taxes that do not end up funding medicaid. Medicaid is becoming a joke as it is wasting taxpayer money. If we subsidize the indigent on health care that is overseen by a management health care company, then we are going to insure all people.
5. Encourage Early Health-A free market encourages early health care like eating right, exercising, stop smoking, and HSA's provide incentives for losing weight, stopping smoking, and if you provide incentives, you will empower people to make better decisions for their health over government bureaucrats. It should be between you and your doctor to make the best health care decisions, not HMO's like Unity or United HealthCare who sap the right to free choice.
6. HSA's have financial rewards, say you do not end up spending all of it, you can keep it, and use it for something useful like your own retirment.
According to Bob Ziegelbauer, HSA's allow anyone to see a doctor for no copays, it gives you the choice of a cash bonus or a dental plan/vision plan, now who does not want to have incentive for staying healthy. This is far better than what is happening in Canada and Sweden in which people are waiting to get cancer treatments, and in the UK in which the Labour Party is cutting the National Health Service in half. No wonder David Cameron slams Gordon Brown to the ground on why we need to have health for all without government run health care sapping free spirit.
For more info, go to and click on local news, you will find everything you want to know on the successes in Manitowoc, but also talk to your employer and demand that HSA's are part of your workplace. Once HSA's become the norm, this health care crisis will become a thing of the past.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
As State Budget Is Being Delibrated On, It is Time Dr. Sheldon Wasserman holds his promise on no taxes
- Dr. Wasserman published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in 2006 that the only way to reduce taxes is to consolidate counties in Wisconsin from 72 to 18. That is a load of rheotric and it is false reform. Also in that column, Dr. Wasserman blasts TABOR and the Taxpayer Protection Amendment claming it is an ineffective way to solve taxes. One, it is not reform as consolidation is a false reform, two it will increase government bureaucracy sixfold. Two, TABOR reduces government growth and in turn reduces spending. The only way you can reduce our tax burden in Wisconsin is to reduce spending, period. That is the the same message that is being hit in New Jersey and Dr. Wasserman must realize that consolidation is false and temporary reform.
- Dr. Wasserman has at times crossed party lines to support tax policy that he claims is benefical for the consitutients of the North Shore, but Dr. Wasserman sixty percent of the time has voted in the past cycle of the legislature for increased taxes.
- Dr. Wasserman being a doctor has voted AGAINST Health Savings Accounts Tax Deduction as HSA's are not tax deductible in Wisconsin. Who would want to vote against this in which gives everyone a big tax savings and more control and choice over health care decisions. Bob Ziegelbauer has advocated as the only democrat in favor of HSA's, but the only doctor in the entire state legislature is not convinced that giving patients more freedom and choice leads to better health care.
- Dr. Wasserman has voted against just about all major legislation that promotes competiton.
Consider these facts before you think Dr. Wasserman is going to hold the line on taxes. The people of the 22nd district demand a check-up on his tax record.
Sen. Kanavas Highlights the Need Why We Need the Voucher Program in all schools in Wisconsin More Than Ever
- Madison East would not be as big as 2100 students as more students would go to Lakeside Lutheran or Edgewood Catholic. Madison East is like the poorest high school in Madison and all of Wisconsin with close to 60 percent of their students being poor .
- Milwaukee Public Schools would be forced to change their product as more economically deprived children would go to Milwaukee Messmer and Marquette University High School for example, as poor schools like South Division and North Division would have to change their product because MPS only graduates 60 percent of their students. Also, their tardy rates are abysmally high.
- Green Bay would have to start finding solutions to make their schools better as Green Bay East and Green Bay West are starting to become poor schools, especially a lot of low income kids go to Green Bay West.
- Every kid who is economically deprived in this state will realize through the choice program they will see hope through education.
Sen. Kanavas Said:
"The problems in MPS are well documented. Graduation rates that are nothing short of embarrassing, outbursts of violence in schools with little or no controls put in place to keep innocent children safe, and a burdensome employee benefits package that seems to have been taken straight off the MTEA (teacher’s union) Christmas list – all of these things prevent MPS from achieving its core goal – providing an education for children that prepares them for a role in society. What is the Board’s solution to these problems? Hire more administrators to arm the Board with "facts" they can use to undermine the Superintendent. Rather than add another expensive layer of administration, couldn’t the Board actually spend this money on improving their failing system? Rather than training their guns at Superintendent Andrekopoulos, maybe the Board could take a look at their failing, unsafe schools and start working on fixing them instead of micromanaging the CEO of the Milwaukee school system. This decision directly calls into question whether a school district with a $1.2 billion budget, $900 million of which comes from Wisconsin taxpayers that do not live in the City of Milwaukee, should be run by this Board. If MPS wants more local control, they are going to have to pony up more local money to support this system. Wisconsinites are tired of throwing good money after bad on a failing school district. Time has run out. This Board and the superintendent must work together to get MPS turned around or MPS should be replaced with a system that works. Wisconsin’s future demands it."
From that statement alone Former Governor Tommy Thompson threatened to take over MPS if it did not turn around its failing statistics. I think we need this call again for MPS to either improve or face the consequences.